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- /* very stupid udp ports scanner (but it works...:-) */
- l="rmh.library";if ~show("L",l) then;if ~addlib(l,0,-30) then exit
- if AddLibrary("rexxsupport.library","rxsocket.library","rxlibnet.library")~=0 then exit
- prg=ProgramName("NOEXT")
- call PrintFault()
- exit
- end
- if parm.1.flag then from=parm.1.value
- else from=1
- if parm.2.flag then high=parm.2.value
- else
- if parm.1.flag then high=from
- else high=100
- if from<1 | high>65535 | from>high then call err "bad ports sequence" from"..."high,1
- if parm.3.flag then secs=parm.3.value
- else secs=5
- if secs<1 then call err "bad timeout value '"secs"'",1
- if parm.4.flag then dev=parm.4.value
- else do
- dev=suitable()
- if dev="" then call err "no suitable device found",1
- end
- sin.addrAddr=resolve(parm.0.value)
- if sin.addrAddr=-1 then call err "host <"parm.0.value"> not found",1
- cxaddr=c2x(addr2c(sin.addrAddr))
- us=socket(inet,dgram)
- if us<0 then call err "can't create socket"
- fstring="icmp[0]=3"
- filter=MiamiPCapCompile(fstring,dev)
- if filter="" then call err PCAPERR,1
- s=2**AllocSignal()
- pf=MiamiCreatePF(dev,s)
- if IsDotAddr(parm.0.value)
- then say "Scanning <"parm.0.value"> on '"dev"'" from"..."high
- else say "Scanning <"parm.0.value"> ["sin.addrAddr"] on '"dev"'" from"..."high
- todo=0
- do i=from to high
- sin.addrport=i
- if sendto(us,"D0A"x,,"SIN")<0 then ports.i=0
- else ports.i=1
- todo=todo+ports.i
- if and(SetSignal(0,s),s)>0 then do
- p=MiamiPFNext(pf)
- do while p~=""
- if MiamiPCapMatch(filter,p) then do
- t=c2d(substr(p,21,1))
- c=c2d(substr(p,22,1))
- /* addr=substr(p,45,4)
- if cxaddr~=c2x(addr) then say cxaddr c2x(addr)*/
- if t=3 & c~=3 then call err "error on icmp packet type:"t "code:"c,1
- pp=c2d(substr(p,51,2))
- ports.pp=0
- todo=todo-1
- end
- p=MiamiPFNext(pf)
- end
- end
- end
- secs=todo%3
- if secs<5 then secs=5
- say "Sending completed, waiting for" todo "returns for" secs "seconds"
- tim=CreateTimer()
- ts=TimerSignal(tim)
- call StartTimer(tim,secs)
- sigs=or(s,ts,2**12)
- do while todo>0
- res=wait(sigs)
- if and(res,s)>0 then do
- p=MiamiPFNext(pf)
- do while p~=""
- if MiamiPCapMatch(filter,p) then do
- pp=c2d(substr(p,51,2))
- ports.pp=0
- todo=todo-1
- end
- p=MiamiPFNext(pf)
- end
- end
- else leave
- end
- do i=from to high
- if ports.i then say i
- end
- exit
- err: procedure expose prg
- parse arg msg,ntdoerr
- if ntdoerr~=1 then msg=msg "("ErrorString()")"
- say prg":" msg
- exit
- suitable: procedure
- res=QueryInterfaces("IN")
- do i=0 to res-1
- if in.i.family=2 & in.i.up=1 & in.i.LoopBack=0 then return in.i.name
- end
- return ""